12:00p - 2:00p ~ Welcome Keynote Luncheon
We are thrilled to announce that Governor Youngkin will be opening our convention this year! His participation underscores the significance of this event, as we come together to celebrate a historic milestone: the long-awaited funding for Priority One. This achievement is a testament to decades of relentless advocacy and dedication from our community. Join us as we honor this monumental success and pave the way for a brighter future.

Making The Promise of Inclusion A Reality- Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going
Jade Presnell, MS, LSW
For decades, disability policies and services have aimed to advance inclusion, yet people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) still face significant social isolation, exclusion, and loneliness. Social inclusion is now widely recognized as a key quality-of-life indicator and a crucial social determinant of health. Ensuring that the IDD community benefits from social inclusion is, therefore, a vital health equity and social justice issue. Everyone, including people with IDD, their families, service providers, and community members, has a role in promoting inclusion. However, progress has been hindered by confusion about what social inclusion means and a lack of practical guidance. ​To turn the promise of inclusion into reality, this engaging conversation will focus on identifying strategies that participants can implement to advance the inclusion of people with IDD.

Inclusion in My Life Panel
Matthew Hudgins, Peer Mentor, Shay Ruff, Training Coordinator & Peer Mentor
A panel of advocates will discuss their personal experiences with inclusion and sometimes, exclusion. They will share stories of when they felt welcomed and supported, as well as times they faced barriers to belonging. This discussion will provide insights into the importance of inclusion and the impact on our entire community.
2:45p - 3:45p ~ Breakout Sessions I
Room: Cape Charles A
Medicaid Denials and Appeals – Member Rights when Medicaid Waiver Services are Denied, Revoked, or Reduced
Presenter: John Cimino
Session will cover Medicaid Members’ rights when they are affected by an adverse Medicaid decision to deny, reduce, or revoke their Medicaid services. We will focus on Medicaid Waiver service denials and appeals, but the information will be relevant to traditional Medicaid service denials as well. Participants will learn when they have a right to receive a written explanation of an adverse decision, as well as their appeal rights when they disagree with a decision that affects their Waiver services.
Room: Cape Henry C
A Great Partnership: How Genetics Can Support You and Your Family
Presenter: Tahnee Causey, MS, CGC
Genetics is an ever-changing field that can seem overwhelming for families. During this talk, we hope to describe why families may seek a genetics appointment or pursue genetic testing. We will discuss what to expect during a genetics appointment, why testing may be suggested, and what kind of testing is commonly performed. We will also discuss how to access genetic services in Virginia.
Room: False Cape B
Hot Topics in Self-Advocacy
Presenter: Matt Shapiro
Hot Topics in Self-Advocacy: Exploring Issues and Gathering Input Join us for a dynamic session on current self-advocacy issues, including access to services and supports, employment opportunities, housing and independent living, education and training, healthcare access, and community involvement. This interactive session aims to inform and listen. We want your input! Share your experiences, perspectives, and ideas to help shape the future of self-advocacy.
Room: Mariner A
Arts-Based Community Engagement
Presenter: Amy Keenan Amago
The visual arts provide rich avenues for meaningful community engagement. This vibrant, multi-sensory presentation will demonstrate how visual arts programming can increase opportunities for community engagement in ways that support social inclusion, identity formation, career development, and disability advocacy work. An art educator, artist, and the Director of The Arc Studio at The Arc of the Piedmont will describe how arts programming has transformed their work.
4:00p - 5:00p ~ Breakout Sessions II
Room: Cape Charles A
Waiver and the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS)
Presenters : Kenneth Haines and Maureen Kennedy
This will be an overview of the new Developmental Disability (DD) Waiver Slots and the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS). Ken will first provide an overview of the process of assigning slots for the DD waivers. Then Maureen will provide an overview of the SIS including scheduling, what to expect, how to prepare, the role of the respondent, and what the SIS does and does not impact.
Room: Cape Henry C
Dating in a Digital World-Safely
Presenter: Jennifer Palmer
During this session, we will talk about how people with disabilities connect online and IRL and how to develop a strong friendship or relationship. Is a dating app right for me? Am I getting scammed? How do I know this person is sincere? How can I make sure
and be safe? These questions and more will be discussed in this interactive session.
Room: False Cape B
Self-Determination for Inclusive Education
Presenters: Beth and Taylin Sellers
Taylin and her mom Beth have learned through experience what it takes to be successful in the general education classroom as a student with a disability. Taylin is a 17-year-old high school student who is blind with an orthopedic impairment. In this session, Taylin will share her own experiences as a self-advocate, with support from her mom, to help others learn how to advocate for and create a fully inclusive learning environment.
Room: Mariner A
Advocacy 101
6:00p - 8:00p ~
Catalyst for Change Awards Dinner

Luncheon Keynote
​Public Policy
Closing Keynote
Practical Applications for Hiring, Developing, Keeping and Empowering Direct Support Professionals
Joseph Macbeth, NADSP President and Chief Executive Officer
“We Have a DSP Problem”: We hear it all of the time and even more so as we’ve emerged from the pandemic. Home and Community Based Service providers are experiencing a crushingly high percentage of staff turnover, low morale, an inability to recruit and retain a quality direct support professionals to provide the essential supports that people with disabilities and their families deserve. How do we fix these long-standing issues that have been magnified in a highly competitive post-pandemic economy? The answers are complex and require a sound understanding of our field’s history and the impact that workplace culture has on our direct support workforce. Approximately 80 % of those who work in the I/DD service industry are direct support professionals who deliver the day-to-day, moment-to-moment services that lead to people having rich and fulfilling lives in the community. In addition to a brief description of our history and workplace culture, this lecture shares detailed information on highly effective recruitment, onboarding, professional development and career-ladder strategies to fortify and bolster the development of a stable and highly skilled direct support workforce that is prepared to meet the demands of the future expectations.

We Did It! Now What?
Our annual convention is designed to provide valuable information and fresh ideas, offering an opportunity to reflect on how these insights can be applied to our lives and work. The convention also unites us around a common message or understanding to strengthen our advocacy efforts. After decades of your tireless efforts, funding for Priority One has finally become a reality. While we acknowledge the needs of thousands still in priorities two and three, securing services for 3,440 people is a crucial first step toward building a functional system that can serve our entire community.
This achievement was only made possible because all of you stood up, showed up, and made your voices heard. As we look ahead, we recognize that our work is not finished. For now, let us celebrate this significant victory and take pride in a job well done. This win marks a major milestone for the disability justice movement in Virginia, but we know there is more to be accomplished. So, let's celebrate, then get to work together on What's Next!